615.306.9294   info@atyourservicetn.com

Commercial Building Process

  1. Before heading to the job, make sure you have these items/information for the property assigned with you:
  • Equipment
  • Chemicals
  • Garbage bags
  • Rags
  • Building door code(s) – owner will text you, do not write this down anywhere
  • Keys – very few buildings have keys but you would need to arrange to pick them up with the owner or manager ahead of time
  1. Arrive within the scheduled window of time
  2. Take a picture of yourself in front of the assigned property at time of arrival. Text to Owner
  3. Follow checklist provided and complete all required steps and as needed steps
  4. You should be at the property for at least the lowest amount of time on the checklist for the property
    Example – if it says expected clean time – 1.5-2 hours, you should be there at least 1.5 hours.
  5. If you start to think it’s going to take longer than the expected time window, contact the owner immediate to provide the reason why and for approval.
  6. If you finish early, please go back over high traffic areas with mop/vacuum, walk around and look for trash, make sure entrance areas are tidy, double check your list and make notes of anything you see that should be added to the list to be sent back to the owner
  7. Once completed, dispose of all trash if there is a dumpster on property, otherwise take with you and dispose elsewhere (gas station, your home, other acceptable location)
  8. Take a picture of yourself in front of the property at time of leaving. Text to Owner
  9. Fill out your time sheet within the payroll app.